Just getting things set up, but I'll soon be posting entries here on a fairly regular basis. Some of the things I say here won't be "PC", and probably won't be safe for work, either. I promise I won't be excessive with "adult language", but I do tend to get passionate about certain things. If I blog on any of those, language could get a bit rough. Theoretically, we're all adults here... I think we can handle that.
This blog may, at times, contain adult content. This can include images, language, and references to sexual activities (mostly of a gay nature). If this sort of thing offends, upsets, or otherwise bothers you... LEAVE NOW! If you are not of legal age to view such content... LEAVE NOW!
Everyone else... sit back, grab a beverage, and keep checking in. I hope this will not only be an entertaining blog for my readers, but maybe we can each learn as well.
Feel free to leave comments and express your views, but please do so in an adult, civil manner. All comments must be approved by me prior to being published. This isn't to censor anyone, but I'm simply not going to have any hate speech or free-for-all flame wars here. This is my blog, this is a hate-free zone. If you can't act like a civilized adult, go get your own blog.
Take care... and walk in Balance!